Posts for February 7, 2022


#21585 reply report

gundam barbatos The word hypocritical has nothing to do with anything i have said. MamaXiangQi insulted me first by mockingly offering me lessons after i mentioned an issue about my connection speed. Then proceeds to talk trash on the field and refuse to take raids. I am not crying in the least bit, unlike you who cant handle being mined in a 2v1.

- Posted by iBorg

#21586 reply report

MamaXiangQi how pitiful do you have to be to comment with another tank you made on your own post, and also attack me with multiple accounts? Not only your ego is to big for your head, but your personalities are running out of room too. Aka both CoL tanks you made just the other day and entered the field with. Guessing youve deleted them by now bc i cant @ them.

- Posted by iBorg

#21587 reply report

gundam barbatos cant handle being mined everyone! What a joke. You talk trash yet like a big ole baby quit instead of fighting like a man. Loser

- Posted by iBorg

#21588 reply report

InCiSe, you should get on discord. k, thx.

- Posted by Vapor

#21589 reply report

Lame ass game. Ping of 189 means I had not a hope in hell's chance against the 6-7 tanks that decided to raid me today. Congrats to whoever got the kill.

- Posted by EPIC 4

#21591 reply report

ArchangeL UrieL
Thats awesome that I won! however, i dont have a discord, could you hit me up on insta? @brandawg37

- Posted by iBorg


#21590 reply report

Why does your armor not turn on while others are shooting at you? EASY.
Pro Tip: My suggestion is to turn on armors 25-30% before you are empty. Press the armor shield button ONCE. There is a saying that you got to wait your turn. This is a turn based sequenced game. Your armor will be lit up after all the tanks have finished their turn shooting at you. Do NOT press the armor shield button twice at the same time.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi


#21592 reply report

CoL team has expanded into a new embarkment of mystical journeys. More and more legends will be created under the CoL coalition. We will never be ousted nor exiled. We will rule the Tankpit community.
Do NOT try to stop us! We will be your doom!

- Posted by CoL Wollmilchsau