Posts for August 4, 2020
Who posts the same variation of three welcome messages from three of their own tanks??? One would suffice....
Oh yea..and Voltaic has ruined the season and the game.
- Posted by CKPA2020
First of all. EPIC 7. Agreed. You don't owe anyone anything except your kids. Thanks for not being an absentee dad. You rock.
So instead of answering the questions and actually owning up to anything, you make straw man arguments and say things and make claims you actually know nothing about. Then you call out another teammate for who knows why? Just stay on blue.
- Posted by Bricks
CKPA you are really sad of a player to criticize anyone. Its called psychological projection to insult anyone when you are that bad like One Hit Wonder who is a major fking loser and idiot unworthy of this game
Start a clan together. Really bad losers!
- Posted by JamesChen
PRO SELF good job out there. You have been improving quite a bit. Keep on practicing and learning!
- Posted by JamesChen
Hello everyone,
Just wondering why my kill count does not go up after deactivation of ArchAngel Remial. Keeps coming after me after the epic battle as a recruit and my kill count is not going up. Good job by the way.
Is this a bug? or just enemy is too low to even count as a kill... have deactivated him probably 7 times now.
Happy Tank Pit!
Thanks for the fun
- Posted by PRO SELF
It's the same ol' regulars on the map everytime I login...
Smokescreen, JohnChen, HorseFace, One hit Wonder, Voltaic, CPKA, FINESSE, Lucifer, noodle, EPIC 7, PROSELF... The home game needs more Variety cuz everyone already knows how each other person plays and the fun keeps getting duller day by day, night after night, weeks after weeks. Snore. zZzzzzz
- Posted by MamaXiangQi
Looking for team members. Team name is the "Divine Angels". You can either have the formal names of the angels (ex: Archangel Zadkiel would be my angel's formal name) or their informal names (ex: ANGEL OF LOVE) with whatever format you like. We will be the color purple. Weekends would be best to do raids. Anyone is welcomed so no experience needed. Just try to take raids the best you can (no marathoners) and following tankpit tournament rules which is only one.
- Posted by ANGEL OF MERCY