Posts for February 4, 2022
@MamaXiangQi You by no means “survived” that raid Wednesday night. All you did was bounce around the map for 10 minutes running away from everyone. At least the rest of us that you mentioned in your post took the raid..
- Posted by William Bonney
Yeah you survived alright. You completely avoided participating in the raid whatsoever, and then try to sneak in and help the Col's raid the blues. Of all the egotistical arrogant pompous maniacs i've encountered in my life, you may just be up there with the worst of them. Let's face it, your not truly trying to help me, you're touting your own horn, and its a small one.
- Posted by iBorg
iBorg , Thursday night... I pop on in to see you struggling with the red CoLs... and from what I saw, I pressed "I'll help you", shooting some of the red to back them away, and you can't even last a minute!
Come on man... my offer still stands not only you, but for other's who complain bad pings or being Slow: Raid lessons from MamaXiangQi : $500/hr 😂 😂
- Posted by MamaXiangQi
What's hard about raid taking is... once you get Deactivated, right THEN you STILL have take on a 6-8v1 on a DRY run with absolutely NO armor as colonel, and with maybe about 10-15 radars hoping you can snatch something midscreen having to avoid MINES and instawarps by enemies. Coming back from THAT was really difficult. I challenge YOU to last just 1 minute on that, and I still managed maybe 5 minutes.
Not so shabby.
- Posted by MamaXiangQi
Imagine being so proud of being so pathetic. You're clearly well in the know on how to avoid dying very well, yet you manage to die consistently right at the end of every tournament you enter and call on yourself. You know what you're doing and the victim role here wont be tolerated. Stay banned. Stay crying.
- Posted by MAMA BANNED QI