Posts for February 3, 2024


#23796 reply report

Mauna Loa ,
Interesting copout but you left out the part of why you @ this tank if it had zero to do with you as I stated there was only 1 other tank in when I brought it in and he claimed to be jf and brought that tank in. I guess it gets confusing keeping up with which tanks you were on when you saw what tank but hey man its your lie tell it how you like. You were switching king david and mauna today after you fkd to maj w/angels&airwaves. Someones always watching even when map is empty ;)

- Posted by not fooln ne1 idiot

#23799 reply report

Mauna Loa ,
There are 2-3 others that were higher they just aren’t maj anymore they’re sitting general. Start of year isn’t a good time to go for a highest anything tank. I didn’t really see 1v1 before the 40hr mark lots of capt/maj shooting bots waiting for people to fill/join fairly chill,courteous play rather than aggressive max pts. Nobody gets a cup for main map pph🙃 No goals other than a battered/excuse to play yearly. Good luck.

- Posted by SWs blind eye