Posts for February 3, 2022


#21559 reply report

Thats right! I can handle a mini raid of 4 tanks, but 5 becomes very difficult, and when its 7+ its nearly impossible to return fire and survive. And I have the utmost admiration toward you with a 200-300 ping and having won a SILVER CUP. Very nicely done! :)

- Posted by iBorg

#21562 reply report

Miro ,
Small tip: Turn armors off while you are playing in general and turn them on only when you are low on fuel, to save yourself while you get fuel. Then, when your tank has a safe amount of fuel, turn armors off and continue playing. When you are low again, repeat as above. That's how armor shields are meant to be used. There is no point burning away your shields while your tank has full fuel. They need to be saved for when you're low. Good luck and see ya on the field!

- Posted by SOLITUDE


#21560 reply report

ONLY I survived that 8+v1 raid. No others Survived THAT bloodbath.. William Bonney , Wokey , NaNNeRs , iBorg ...ALL DIED and SUCUMB to the hands of yoshido, CoLs, gundam wildfire.
Sorry to the Salty boys who probably paid top dollar Bounty to have me assassinated: MAMA BANNED QIHANG URSELF MAMAMAMA BANNED QI, THIS Y U BANNED LOL
I liked how fast yall tried to pull that one on me, but like I said, if you need Raid Lessons from me, im open

- Posted by MamaXiangQi

#21561 reply report

In response to you offering me lessons and calling me slooooooow.... I saw how you dodged raids all night wednesday night. And by dodging, i mean refusing to take a raid. No thanks on your offer. Id hate to learn to play like that.

- Posted by iBorg


#21558 reply report

MAMA BANNED QI, Come on... Not every* tournament. Don't forget I posed as the CoLs as CoL XiangQi last month and achieved Major in 48 minutes. I have record of it. Try to beat that. You gotta remember everyone wanted a piece of me as soon as I was sergeant. That's how famous I was. Too bad salty folk from Tankpit perceives the amount of bullying I take constitutes as foul play and banned me from that account too. Terribly sad.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi