Posts for March 29, 2022


#21913 reply report

MamaXiangQi ,
Dont flatter yourself

- Posted by Daytrader

#21914 reply report

If Chen has a million friends i am one of them. if Chen has ten friends i am one of them. if Chen has only one friend, that is me. if Chen has no friends, that means i am no more on the earth. if the world is against the Chen, i am against the world.
Chen my fren for life till end

- Posted by CoL Cerberus

#21915 reply report

Tester ,
Thanks. I don't mind the 1v2/3. Makes the points farming more exciting. GG look forward to it!

- Posted by Warmonger

#21916 reply report

Whack F-gna ,
what's up worthless asian... I didn't burn any bridges... you threw a hissy fit because you didn't get invited to the team. I called you out for being a piece of garbage that you always have been for trolling me non stop. You got sooooo upset when Jack didn't invite you, ever wonder why? Waging war because you didn't get invited to a 2d tank team? and you can't seem to see the level of pathetic behavior in anyone but yourself? go away peasant...

- Posted by ArChAnGeL

#21917 reply report

ArChAnGeL Lucius Sweet Warmonger That base defense was fun. Great job and congrats on the kill Ark! I hope we can bury the hatchet now!
Tester I love you too man!

- Posted by Syntax