Posts for March 27, 2022


#21888 reply report

-Magnificent- 3 took you 4 months, surprised it took you so long given that your team colludes and doesn't shoot each other to avoid you have another mental breakdown.

- Posted by Magnificent Cant Cup

#21889 reply report

GeneralSick that $7.50 per hour pay isn't too far away buddy. Just work on it a little bit more

- Posted by Adam Gensick Ruin TP

#21890 reply report

The ghost of chen will continue to haunt TP until revenge has been exacted

- Posted by Ghost of Chen

#21902 reply report

Tanks for playing what's your life story man? Always been curious about how you join tournaments and play tankpit sporadically? What motivates you? What brought you to this game? What are your goals?

- Posted by Ghost of Chen


#21891 reply report

MamaXiangQi shucks, I forgot why I left this game in the first place

- Posted by Save Darfur

#21903 reply report

How is the ranking on the leader board determined?

- Posted by BLUE-2

#21904 reply report

Baby Arm You got super lucky Sunday Afternoon. I really don't know how you didn't die at Meltdown. I shot you like 20 times on your black colonel name, YOU SO EMPTY...and you had NOWHERE to go. Sadly, the Magnificient gang were so deficient with their skills that they didnt jump on the opportunity to kill you... instead, they pouted like babies and kept shooting me instead cuz I was low myself... SHOO.. LUCKY BOY!!! MAMA WILL GET YA NEXT TIME

- Posted by MamaXiangQi


#21901 reply report

-Magnificent- 6 is the only DECENT player on their team. Be careful, jealous Jack may have a break down if you kill him in a tournament!

- Posted by Whack F-gna


#21892 reply report

MamaXiangQi free CoL XiangQi ! Don't forget, the first person to cup a CoL tank was Chen, and then he told Adam to f himself and quit the team even though adam begged for him to stay. CoL Ogre

- Posted by IMPECCABLE

#21898 reply report

Dragna died and cried
How's that #4 taste buddy? Perhaps you'll come when called next time..

- Posted by Nothing Left