Posts for June 2, 2020


#19038 reply report

Hint: I gotta be careful with Intricacy... Warp many times to lone islands, ended up with no fuel, got stuck, and then got raided by orange team. Give yourself outs and seek land. At least that would better your odds of finding anything.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi

#19040 reply report

Trivia Question 1: On any 15x15 area, 1 vs. 1 duel, what is the "maximum" number of times you have to move in order to trap your enemy completely, assuming your opponent doesn't move?
A.) One
B.) Six
C.) Two
D.) Seven
E.) Four
Reply to TQ1 and I will post solution later.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi


#19039 reply report

JamesChen: Let's team up and jump all the naysayers.
Sinai: I hit your general tanks for points.
Voltaic: You gonna beat noodle soon because your dedication to this game is so remarkable that you do it even though you don't get paid for it.
Pyramid_(boys): is there such thing as pyramidXiangQi?
maybe... I haven't thought about that.
Abraham Simpson: Ya KILLED me.
That was Whack.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi


#19037 reply report

WOW, the map I created actually showed up on the tournament calendar!!! I am super dupity excited for the moment that my work paid off! =D
Sucks that I can't play my own map because I got work...
I will leave it to you folks to guess which one I have designed based on my "raiding" skillzzz.
What would Mama create...?

- Posted by MamaXiangQi