Posts for August 19, 2020
Epic 7 good job today, you are really working your way up in skills. I say in about 100 more hours you may be someone to reckon with. Keep it up!
- Posted by JamesChen
Some of these guys are just new or from a time when there wasn't glory in dying. It takes a while (talking from experience) to learning that taking a raid and dying is actually a positive aspect in this game.
This is the only game where dying is considered a respectful activity lol.
- Posted by JamesChen
David/4thArmored/Shark - engaging in battles is both enjoyable and will help you improve your game in survival but raiding others as well
You guys sure have some talent, now it is time to put it to the test. It's very enjoyable to find new ways to survive in a battle or talking smack when people are trying to raid you but can't kill you.
- Posted by JamesChen
Osama Bin Laden, it's a trading stocks and options app... for dummies, retards, and people who wanna use infinite leverage and blow up their trading accounts.
- Posted by MamaXiangQi
CKPA2020 Sounds like your just as Salty as nooble is that im # 1 . You should worry about your own game play and your fake battle honor medal. You dont take raids , you run and quit out every time . Especially in a 2v1 when Voltaic and I shat on u. ur 0.000000014 of the player i am and will always be that. keep making your yearly pph tanks and never hitting the true top 100. Just shows what kind of true player you are .You cant even achieve top 5 in the yearly leader Board Scrub .
- Posted by Smokescreen
I see some of you folk get shamed for Quitting in a large raid. Mama give FREE lesson on how to survive a 2v1 raid for newbs. (Record: I survived a 6v1 raid for about 30 minutes---JohnChen witness* & a 10v1 tournament raid for about 10 minutes ish?) I wanna go back to tourneys for the sake of proving myself again.
Ya cant be afraid with everyone wanting to shoot their load at ya, and if ya quit, your name gets known by the regulars that you're the biggest chicken to be bullied.
- Posted by MamaXiangQi