Posts for August 15, 2024


#24250 reply report

Redbeard0311 The people who team up on you are complete losers who are grown men in their 40s that talk on Discord and sit here and play this game all day long, every day of the week. It's not that you're bad at the game, it's that this is the only joy these guys have in life.

- Posted by A b S o L u T e L y


#24249 reply report

Lucky Luciano How does it feel to have the worst pph of 2024?

- Posted by e X c L u S i V e

#24251 reply report

Redbeard0311 ,
Join the two Discord servers. There's a lot of good players on there and some of them are willing to help. This game is almost 29 years old, so newer players could always use help closing that experience gap.
Each server has different players and different discussions. Original has a lot deeper player base, but a lot of people on it are retired and just chatting about things that are not tank pit.

- Posted by Mauna Loa