Posts for April 12, 2020


#18651 reply report

Idiot N00bs. Come after my "recruit" ranked tank while a General "Prowl" get's deactivated! Way to fail badly and give into my taunting
"Come get me!"
Let Corona come and get you straight from Wuhan! Enjoy you idiot Americans who spend so much on wars and get into much debt that you cannot even handle having economy closed for 2 months.
Enjoy the corona. We will enjoy selling you masks :D

- Posted by JamesChen

#18652 reply report

IGF-1 - discord says it needs your 4 digit tag #? Not sure what that is. What do I type to find everyone in the community?
@Epic7: Yea that was extremely frustrating. Today I was right there with 4 kills but missed them all. I should have stayed sergeant 5-10 minutes longer to rack up more points.

- Posted by Detroit

#18653 reply report

You Americans are simple fool and simpletons.
Epic 7 has been hacking this whole time, multiple moves at a time and simply playing you as fools. You make excuses saying it is "timing"
This is the problem with your American "Freedom", more like "FreeDOOM". You see, in Chinese leadership, such behavior and insolence would not be allowed. You "Freedom" is the failure of your society and Epic 7 epitomizes that with his cheating.

- Posted by JamesChen

#18659 reply report

Here's my Lightbulb idea: I tried to use my Android to play this game, but my mobile device could not see a large portion of the battlefield.
@Tankpit HQ: If we set up a mobile app or online capability that can pullup tankpit on our phones or ipads, so that we can have touchscreen firing, or touchscreen hold to grab equips/fuel, that would be an interesting concept.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi

#18660 reply report

Seems like everyone likes to be red or blue >_<
I played long time ago on bonus(.)com
It's nice to see this game again. <3
I was k0rndude

- Posted by PhillyPhill

#18661 reply report

Not sure why MamaX is getting mad respect from verteran players? Decent skill in the main map but in tournys and the board he is a troll. Just spams messages. AND...MamaX and Chen are one in the same. Chen got whacked as a corp 10 minutes in and MamaX joins 10 seconds after saying 'That was whack'. My guess is MamaX/Chen is just a bored veteran looking for attention. Probably Bluntz.....

- Posted by CKPA2020


#18649 reply report

JamesChen, how in the world did I kill you so easily as a Colonel on the Desert map? You were so full of yourself with that small little base of yours, fondling with those fuel and boulders ...(i was La Boink De Dum De Dum by the way).
I singlehandedly wiped you out and then you got depressed and all of a sudden fell back from Colonel to a corpy...
By the way, thanks for giving me General for my other tank. XD

- Posted by MamaXiangQi

#18650 reply report

MamaXiangQi you must be a woman with such ignorance and you further solidify reason for you to commit Seppuku you fool!
Players of different color cannot read you "I'll help you" message, which is why I destroyed you badly.
Otherwise I would have gladly let you bow down to me as your male Chinese superior and let you give me the Captain.
Luckily, plenty of N00bs out there that gave me it.

- Posted by JamesChen

#18654 reply report


- Posted by EPIC 7

#18658 reply report

Hint: Just like counting cards, you can count how much equipment your opponent has left.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi


#18655 reply report

We must state; we created the Corona to k1ll your eldest. This for 3 reasons:
1. Your eldest are the closest thing to a "true Americans" you have left. Boomers, Millenials, and Gen X/Z are brain washed and never be "American"
2. Trade W@r. With less "Americans" voting Trump will inevitably lose the 2020 election, giving Us the power to manipulate your government again.
3. Economy. Your "service" (idiots) based economy cannot survive a shutdown like this. We make things, you don't. GOOD LUC

- Posted by JamesChen

#18656 reply report

It is better to pph with bots in a tourney or try to find the highest ranked player/s and pph with them using "you've got mad skills" or is it a combination of both? I feel like you can pph easier with bots, but you do not get as many points. I try to stay at sergeant as long as possible to maximize pph before going to Lieutenant, usually at the 35-40 min mark. Good idea?

- Posted by Detroit

#18657 reply report

What a turnout on Crazy Maze. Proud I didn't die...
Odds of getting a captain: Assuming we have 5 to 8 tanks shooting at a sergeant and one tank gets the sergeant, then it's 1 in 5 to 1 in 8.
Odds of getting a major: Assuming you can constantly run from everyone and THEN stealing a lieutenant kill perhaps ANOTHER 1 in 5 to 1 in 8, depending on # of shooters, it's another.
Probability: So to get a gold cup is about 1 in 25 to 1 in 64. Over 25 people, these odds are pretty slim.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi