Posts for January 11, 2022
-Magnificent- 3 PW3 Why do 2 Colonels feel the need to mine a Major in a 2v1? If it's that important to kill me then I will just let you, I am not going to waste my time. If you need kills that badly I suggest bots
- Posted by gundam barbatos
- Sun Spots - Adam is the most dishonest and corrupt member who leeches off the community for his selfish gain. He allowed the nicest guy in TP, ArchangeL UrieL get bullied constantly in toxic ways for simply trying to promote the game. Rami never insulted anyone, even when they insulted him. A true stand up guy who represents what this community should be.
Adam admitted to me that he wanted to get the WC awards for himself. I now see why because he loves to wear them on his team tank
- Posted by VoltIsNiceNMyFriend
(2) that only plays for 2 months every year.
He deserves to have his WC's Removed for pushing 10 active or returning players out of TPHQ every month due to the toxicity. Eager beavers and committed players should be what discords revolve around, not lifeless losers.
He should pass his Admin role to emotionally stable Players like PRIDE, FINESSE, Uriel, Boba Fett and make his a separate discord for his "real life friends" (lmao loser) Sym, TJ, Gensick, Pack & Matt
- Posted by VoltIsNiceNMyFriend
Hey, I used to play 15 years ago. I am a very experienced player. Especially during raids. I am looking to join a clan.
- Posted by Slyence
Let Mama TEACH yall how to survive getting raided:
Pro Tip: If you only have 0-5 armor left running from a raid of 4-6 red tanks with only half fuel left, just remember that it doesn't hurt to long warp right after you get full tank. Teleport close range, you got 2 seconds before you DIE. Teleport long range, say 5-10 seconds. Enough time to catch some equips and hope you can confuse the enemy doing another long warp just to survive. When they ALL get salty and rage quit, YOU WON 😂
- Posted by MamaXiangQi
Truth is, James Chen was dying due to lag and a couple of silly mistakes, NOT on purpose. SW used this as an excuse to ban James and ruin his ability to completely dominate the tourney scene. He retaliated as JimChen, where he got raided due to the lag, died. Decided to come in again for a part 2. This man has been constantly abused by the TP community, but we honor him everyday for his resilience, LOVE, and POSITIVITY he spread
- Posted by VoltIsNiceNMyFriend