Posts for May 10, 2024


#24091 reply report

Ultimate Warrior ,

- Posted by Ashrak2002


#24089 reply report

WhoShotMe ,
Oh please. I'll sit Lt and push your shit back up through your neck next tournament if you'd like. Only reason I sat serg was because the dudes with faster fills than me were also sitting serg. Had to close atleast a 6-7k gap on tanky and put about another 3-4k gap between us just so I could lose gold to some dude playing 2 accounts.

- Posted by Xx-aLiCe-N-ChAiNs-xX

#24092 reply report

KoRn ,
LOL, fair price, but I enjoy trying to do it myself. Now that there are some dates on the calendar, lets see what happens :)

- Posted by Mauna Loa