Posts for January 10, 2024


#23726 reply report

idolize -- BLUNTZ ,
Yes please. Let's go! :)

- Posted by Mauna Loa

#23727 reply report

Yo SW, Let's put up The Pit for a few days for us legends? Love Warrior

- Posted by Warrior

#23728 reply report

Those of you that have 10 hours on your tank, make sure you set-up your tank image and background! Really cool feature for us to enjoy.

- Posted by Mauna Loa


#23723 reply report

- Sun Spots - You mean like the same meds you were on when you rage quit from not winning a towel?
Nice try, Steve. Unless you're Detroit, mind your own 🤡


#23724 reply report

Mauna Loa ,
thank you. good luck with the team.

- Posted by SWs blind eye

#23725 reply report

- Sun Spots - ,
Detroit gets stripped
Nobody else does
Did someone get upset their cheated cup wasn't gold!?!

- Posted by Prototype