Posts for February 1, 2022


#21538 reply report

iBorg ,
The whole 'turn-based system' is crap. If you don't have a ping <100ms, you have no chance in a raid. None whatsoever.
The developer could sort this out, at least in my estimation, by inserting a delay between turns, so that's entirely fair.
Until then, you're disadvantaged if live far enough away from the TP servers.

- Posted by EPIC 4

#21539 reply report

iBorg ,
It's based on timing. A lot of those tanks are skipping shooting off their homing shots and teleporting at the same time you are or close to when you do. When you're taking against very fast players that have mastered this skill, you need to teleport to fuel or you will die very quickly.

- Posted by supernova sage

#21542 reply report

6 hours till shiner WOOOOO

- Posted by Ric Flair

#21543 reply report

BlueGhost , what is your purpose of playing this game? I always see you on here shooting bots, but your rank can't improve from rank 5 or rank 6. How can you let the unscrupulous, infidel, boulder hiding, raid avoiding imbecile Voltaic lap dog you in the ranks?

- Posted by MamaXiangQi

#21546 reply report

Im still among you all!

- Posted by Uyghur Killer

#21547 reply report

60 down 40 to go.

- Posted by Khione


#21540 reply report

iBorg , You are too SLOW.
Mama here can give you raid lessons... Just too many haters who can't stand me (even Tankpit banned me from tournaments) because of my supreme skills. How do you want me to help?

- Posted by MamaXiangQi

#21541 reply report

Mama here. Hope this message wasn't that offensive.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi

#21545 reply report

MAMA BANNED QI might be CommanderZ . Tank Switcher

- Posted by MamaXiangQi


#21544 reply report

Jordi El Nino Polla,
You can try, Jordi. But no one can bring more ladies than Clima can. He even beat me at it.

- Posted by Johnny Sins