Posts for November 1, 2019
@BendTheKnee I dont know about playing on day time. Usually im working at that time. What if I start taking a raid and duty calls out of the blue? It just looks bad. I do want to play more but I can't promise to be very active on day time.
- Posted by Aramis
@CaptainHook Killing bots is more of a way to kill time. Ranks are not that important. All that it provides you is more room for equipment and a bigger hit point bar. I would suggest you start getting good at fighting people if you did not start already. It becomes a turning point. Good Luck! ;)
- Posted by Aramis
Flip, more like 4-6 lieuty tanks were on my pursuit...while I was a sergeant... was full armor for about 2 minutes and then I was dead.
I don't have the luxury to join every tourney sadly since im very busy. Guess try again next time..
- Posted by MamaXiangQi