Posts for December 6, 2021


#21197 reply report

My Fellow Americans,

Please do not forget to get vaccinated and your boosters with the vaccines that I had rushed (normally take 3-5 years minimum) and gave very special protections to Big Pharma so that they will not be responsible for any long term effects in which they say they cannot assess.

Liberals, despite calling me ANTI SCIENCE and PRO BUSINESS. I APPRECIATE you promoting these vaccines based on SCIENCE and benefit BIG PHARMA created under my administration.


- Posted by Trump the Vax Cuck


#21196 reply report

Just wondering how long I have to play before I can enter a tourney? I’m at 2ish hours in des.
Used to play back in the playbf days. Glad to see the game is still going. Just wish there was more activity.

- Posted by William Bonney


#21198 reply report

Just looked at December's tourney calendar and what gives? Globe berates HITLER WAS RIGHT and we don't get a Psycho Maze tourney for 2 months? MamaXiangQi made an epic map and some of us want the challenge in trying to cup it.