Posts for May 29, 2020


#18995 reply report

I've learned to live with the color flipping and pansy play. But i can't stomach spamming someone who is taking on a 10+ mob during and after deactivation from a guy who won't even entertain a 2vs1 scenario without quitting.
Good luck on your quest for irrelevance.
I know.."Don't Cry". "Who's your daddy?"

- Posted by CKPA2020

#18997 reply report

It’s obvious that Optimus Prime stays ranked down so that he is not targeted in the field of battle. A true leader (LOL).
There were well over rusty sword hours before we were able to call you out enough to put a heroic on that tank!

- Posted by Testy Meltdown

#18998 reply report

Why do they keep on changing the map to Desert. We a little bit of the diversity in game play and strategy that the other maps have to offer don't you think?
I hope the mods aren't acting in self interest by keeping this map on at all times!

- Posted by JamesChen

#18999 reply report

I really am the best player in the game. No one can defeat me

- Posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

#19001 reply report

Congrats on the DOUBLE STAR. There is a reason why I stopped shooting when you showed up :)
I didn't want to deactivate Smokescreen 6x too :)

- Posted by JamesChen


#19000 reply report

best idea yall have ever came up with James Chen $ Company ..........What sense does it make for 3 Orange tanks to be in the map at the same time......Yall seeing who killz dem Botz Fast Enough ?? yall time attacking ........??? Yall getting MAD pointz FACTz #1 and the only FACT you orange pansy$ (exclude Simpsons) need to know about is you will NEVER PASS me IN overall # Thats what matters Is the True top 25.......Top 10 ........ The # 1 overall (Noodle for now) So please until you take a raid

- Posted by Smokescreen


#18996 reply report

TheCulling, You gotta to be fast and lucky with equips at the start. Or you will get behind.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi