Posts for January 14, 2022


#21407 reply report

CoL? Brb, paging Jason Lake
You may soon hear from their lawyer(s)

- Posted by Anon

#21410 reply report

xXxBIGBADDOGxXx Didn't know tanks/accounts get deleted. That's whack.
If you're going to play at all, you picked a good time to come back. Early year is the start of the new season so there's usually a couple new teams and a bunch of players playing.

- Posted by - Mercury -

#21411 reply report

Wade Garrett you can think what you want lol. I really can care less. Shout out to BabyXiangQi

I told SW about my tourney performance, but he couldn't grasp the simple arithmetic. Sounds like you can't either lolol

- Posted by VoltIsNiceNMyFriend

#21412 reply report

Keep on being a schizo thinking I am every player who is not me.

I am the most dominant player on Tankpit. The shadow of James Chen is forever present whether or not it's me playing or not.... This is the true legacy of Sigma. Take a second to process that.

Shout out to CoL XiangQi . Owned.

- Posted by VoltIsNiceNMyFriend


#21405 reply report

Some people take raids differently. For some of us getting as low as possible every screen is like putting on a show. Your crowd is the raiders, getting their heart racing every screen thinking they are going to get that deactivation shot! The longer the raid the more exciting it gets! At the end, after a few too many mistakes you die. That's the end of the show and the crowd usually responds with praise if it was done in a truly amazing way. Some of us like putting on a show. Cheers.

- Posted by The Bare Necessities


#21413 reply report

Magnificent are the worst team of 2022 that have not won any tournaments. They are sugars to look for in tournaments or cant even rank top 10 haha. Cant even kill players in a 7 vs 1 raid not even biggest n00b mamaxiangqi. Sloppy raids moving all over screen and mining too much. CoL can teach you some skills. We are way better

- Posted by Top Ranked Killer


#21409 reply report

I can't join because they banned me..tho I was able to get some redemption. I suppose if I joined CoL team ta had me on their side, it would make an epic scene. Turns out I was correct. Earned SILVER cup being Major in a tourney for the first time!
There were also no captains in Rura Pente sadly or I feda try Colonel in less than 12 minutes. Not going to push past my skills and luck, so I play smart and quit while i was ahead. SKILLz and no free kills either.
Hail CoL XiangQi !

- Posted by MamaXiangQi