Posts for January 12, 2022


#21397 reply report

Amazing how Mama can always manage to die in tournaments while knowing full well how to escape successfully and marathon to not die when people attempt to raid her / him / it in the main map. Keep mama out of tournaments. Strip that PH off that tank.

- Posted by MAMA AUTIZM


#21396 reply report

See? I took a 6v1 with the orange Magnificent sorority...too bad Dress for mines got jealous because he kept taunting whether if that's the best I can do... They ALL LEAVE and RAGE QUIT when they lose. YOU build your reputation by surviving high # RAIDS.
Long warp saves like I Said. I had ZERO armor TWICE almost about to die ... sadly orange sissies kept toppling on top of each other tryna get the same fuel source. OH how funny that was. Now time for Top 100.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi


#21398 reply report

Shoutout to MamaXiangQi dominating the field in the new year. No one takes like you do!

- Posted by gundam barbatos


#21394 reply report

VoltIsNiceNMyFriend ,
First reply is excuses, ego stroking and defensiveness? Either leave a hero or stick around long enough to see yourself become the villain. Turned into the very thing you were so opposed to. Whatever entertains you or helps you sleep at night I guess lol. Self accountability is a useful life skill. Hope you invest some time into that for your own sake. GLHF!

- Posted by Wade Garrett

#21395 reply report

Wade Garrett, Don't talk down on my child Babyxiangqi for playing a children's tank game. It's his first time, so he running scared, boo. Give it a break. Or... it could just be he aint find anything running around. hmm.
You know Iceland is known to have nothing several warps on land, and all the fuels/equips are stuck in the water. Thought about that? Quit being Mr. Policeman on something so subtle.

- Posted by MamaXiangQi