Posts for July 11, 2020


#19277 reply report

There is no point in arguing about this.
To me it's fine if someone switches colors and switches tanks because at the end of the day I'm playing my own game and I can adapt to the changing battlefield.
I understand that we might not see from the same perspective so there is no point in going back and forth. We can agree to disagree with the way that we think about other peoples gameplay, and most importantly it's okay to to disagree.
I'll see you on the field.

- Posted by ArchangeL JerahmeeL

#19278 reply report

CKPA2020 stay crying lol weak estrogen power exuding from you

- Posted by JamesChen

#19279 reply report

Abe and anyone that helps or supports that pile of dried horse pizzle Voltaic (quite possibly the dunbest top 10 player ever for not realizing that staying gen makes your pph total trash) is an idiot plain and simple

- Posted by EPIC 7

#19281 reply report

Congrats on the PH. Your tank finally has a full set and is looking sexy.

- Posted by Globe Daddy

#19282 reply report

James Chen is now number 5 in the overall top 10 passing the loser SPIDERMAN

- Posted by JamesChen


#19280 reply report

Lasted a 30 minute raid with 6 oranges and a red. New record. The lower the rank I am, the harder the challenge will be...

- Posted by MamaXiangQi