Apr 29, 2017 President Trump 14:30 - 15:30

# Name Rank Awards 1 WEENIEBONE major 2 The Dragon captain 3 luminosity LOTUS captain 4 John Wayne captain 5 earlyOclock captain 6 The Muffin Stuffer lieutenant 7 Longjawed Orbweaver lieutenant 8 TESTING lieutenant 9 Prophetic Vibe lieutenant 10 HerO-2 lieutenant 11 Kate Beckinsale lieutenant 12 F-23 Black Widow II lieutenant 13 Tarantula lieutenant 14 Momiers lieutenant 15 DeclaN lieutenant 16 Late Night HBO lieutenant 17 The Great Cornholio lieutenant 18 DINOSAUR RAWRRR lieutenant 19 Laid2Rest lieutenant 20 pyr0 corporal 21 WEENER BEENER corporal 22 battlezone corporal 23 SimonKay corporal 24 red-1 corporal 25 red-2 corporal