Jan 17, 2017 Deep Six 01:30 - 02:30

# Name Rank Awards 1 -AvA- captain 2 Birdsong captain 3 TRUMPS GOLDEN SHOWER captain 4 Egoz captain 5 Sixshot captain 6 HITLER WAS RIGHT captain 7 xNightLight- captain 8 Beard of Earth captain 9 Cross-Walk Calvin captain 10 MaNDoWN lieutenant 11 Sealgul lieutenant 12 2017 lieutenant 13 Slug lieutenant 14 thealmighty lieutenant 15 Broad Squad lieutenant 16 Everett lieutenant 17 The Great War lieutenant 18 Clima lieutenant 19 -------------------- lieutenant 20 Fruhjahrsmudigkeit lieutenant 21 The Waning Moon lieutenant 22 Xonihr lieutenant 23 The Doctor lieutenant 24 the FALLING star lieutenant 25 god squad lieutenant