Oct 27, 2013 Levels 00:00 - 01:00

# Name Rank Awards 1 Ayrton Senna captain 2 Flubber captain 3 Supreme Commander captain 4 Inception captain 5 Yesenia captain 6 Sir GooFy captain 7 Mr Snicker captain 8 fade with the light captain 9 -Reticulated pythoN- captain 10 Fear lieutenant 11 -LanceheaD- lieutenant 12 Kill Shot lieutenant 13 Reknat lieutenant 14 Z lieutenant 15 -xSiMpLiCiTyX- lieutenant 16 sadfasdf lieutenant 17 GrimCreeper lieutenant 18 Knighty lieutenant 19 UmX lieutenant 20 HARDCORESoldier lieutenant 21 sherman hears a who lieutenant 22 Young Mountain sergeant 23 kushLIFE corporal 24 red-1 corporal 25 red-2 corporal