Apr 25, 2020 Rocks and Swamp 00:30 - 01:30

# Name Rank Awards 1 BAIT captain 2 DEFIANCE captain 3 DeatH ThreaT captain 4 EaSy SLeeZy captain 5 Inject Lysol captain 6 PORKY captain 7 BallsChen lieutenant 8 RoCKeT X lieutenant 9 CAT BURGLAR lieutenant 10 I Dont Drink lieutenant 11 BabyJames lieutenant 12 SQUID6 lieutenant 13 GENERAL R lieutenant 14 FunTimes lieutenant 15 Naruto lieutenant 16 The Nefarious posEr lieutenant 17 ToxiC ReVolveR lieutenant 18 Louis Brandeis lieutenant 19 twist off lieutenant 20 Soul Reedemer lieutenant 21 Character Map lieutenant 22 pYrAmid styLe lieutenant 23 The Tide lieutenant 24 Ben Dover lieutenant 25 What s Doing lieutenant