Oct 04, 2018 Castles 00:30 - 01:30

# Name Rank Awards 1 the heir apparent captain 2 the lawd spaketh captain 3 el fin captain 4 Hope captain 5 Infinity Gauntlet captain 6 Idle Hands captain 7 Late but I win captain 8 Lost Hopes an Dreams lieutenant 9 Krieg lieutenant 10 Stop Fighting lieutenant 11 so what lieutenant 12 King of WNY lieutenant 13 -Margaritaville- lieutenant 14 Princess Sistergf lieutenant 15 my nose a hoover lieutenant 16 I seLF diviNE lieutenant 17 Lexi corporal 18 POONTANG corporal 19 orange-2 corporal 20 WHAT7USAY corporal 21 blue-2 corporal 22 red-2 corporal 23 orange-1 corporal 24 blue-1 corporal 25 red-1 corporal