Mar 01, 2014 Crazy Waters 21:00 - 22:00

# Name Rank Awards 1 Wizard of Oz captain 2 Gold captain 3 AzNsEnSaTiOn captain 4 FoR LovE Of ThE GamE captain 5 i am not HUMAN captain 6 The Revelation X lieutenant 7 REDRUM 15 lieutenant 8 Doctor Faustus lieutenant 9 Ruins of Neamt lieutenant 10 - PAKALOLO - lieutenant 11 humility lieutenant 12 por que lieutenant 13 GummiBear lieutenant 14 Wavelet lieutenant 15 fLaPpYBiRd lieutenant 16 What is a dual shot lieutenant 17 eclipse lieutenant 18 -YOUR DADDY- lieutenant 19 BONE lieutenant 20 TheLateGreats lieutenant 21 sharpshooter lieutenant 22 K R U S H R lieutenant 23 GDP lieutenant 24 DIBELLO sergeant 25 Truth or Dare sergeant