# Name Rank Awards 1751 ALLieD FoRcES colonel 1752 ChickenNuggetz colonel 1753 - ImPeRiaL - II - colonel 1754 TRIPLE STAR colonel 1755 NeVeR SuRReNdeR colonel 1756 AkaashD colonel 1757 Blue Thunder colonel 1758 gravitational garlic colonel 1759 Perfect Dark colonel 1760 The Blue Nowhere colonel 1761 Striker colonel 1762 Slinky colonel 1763 PROVOCATION colonel 1764 Monkey D colonel 1765 Saber colonel 1766 Quest colonel 1767 TRAP OR DIE colonel 1768 Darkside colonel 1769 ChewGonnaBeatDaRap colonel 1770 Avenger colonel 1771 Cvark colonel 1772 Lightning colonel 1773 OHW DEEPLYLOVES CHEW colonel 1774 Decimas colonel 1775 OrangeCrush colonel
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