# Name Rank Awards 1 TESLA colonel 2 TROLLPIT captain 3 One Hit Blunder captain 4 Menaces to Society captain 5 CAMEL captain 6 insatiable captain 7 X-x DeViL IV x-X captain 8 Tumahab captain 9 Trauma Ray captain 10 blaze to the moon captain 11 Ender captain 12 Steeze lieutenant 13 Satans Army lieutenant 14 M60A3 lieutenant 15 destryoer lieutenant 16 Forrest Gump lieutenant 17 CKPA2025 lieutenant 18 REDD-25 lieutenant 19 pker lieutenant 20 Nuisances of Society lieutenant 21 FreddyMalone lieutenant 22 Danse Macabre lieutenant 23 just better lieutenant 24 TwoGunSam lieutenant 25 Purple-25 lieutenantPage
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