Posts for March 9, 2018
Man I just got schooled by Blue and lost my colonel. My heart was almost racing - I felt like I needed CPR. Anyways jokes aside, I panicked and messed up.
- Posted by Chicken
lol @getchya 60 duals, yeah right. You cant unload duals when you don't shoot back. You just run. It's like watching Michael Johnson out here. Also, no one cares if you do unload all duals. They don't let me fill. You shoot singles until you either die or they give up. Honestly bro when everyone calls to attack you I just give up because I get tired of chasing you all over the map. But whatever, you do you. We all know you're pathetic.
- Posted by fog faction
2 Fat Cats Autistic McFatty,
bend the knee coward and i will disable my friday beatdown alerts.
- Posted by TULIP
TULIP/GB Fudgepackers,
Nice Friday beatdowns. Lol. Too bad they dont work
- Posted by Ashrak2002
OSPF Routing,
Hey here's an idea for ya. Instead of crying about how another tanks plays the game, why don't you just worry about how you attempt to play? Your crying about another tanks playing is something a idiot child would do. Not that you arn't an idiot child or anything but just kinda shut it. Nobody cares one thing about you. So stay off the boards crying like the candy tail you are.
- Posted by Private-1