Posts for February 9, 2020


#18422 reply report

Ok tough guy. Set up a 1v6
I smell bull all over you.
Or you know what better yet set up a 1v8 or 1v10. Don't talk out of your butt please. Just because you spent probably 15 + years to get your medals doesn't make you all that great. Call people names all you want, not going to change anything.

- Posted by LonelyBoy


#18423 reply report story man but not believable. You were double screening it. You are probably Mr Slappy and red tank from '19 who did the exact same thing...BUT was never dumb enough to do it in a tourny! Even more facts...soon as Kobe made captain? The tank left for 10 minutes. So you could focus on getting NEANDERTHAL to lieu. Which when you did that? Kobe comes back and get the major. What you don't realize is SunWolf(Big Brother) sees all....good luck with that elusive cup now!

- Posted by CKPA2020

#18424 reply report

Acts of Science,
sry bud. no gold for you 😂

- Posted by TOuRNAMENT JuNKiE