Posts for December 8, 2023
Fighting 2/3 people is not a raid. Running a marathon not shooting back until full equipment everytime your shields are depleted is not a raid take. It’s also not entertaining for anyone shooting you. Let’s all be grateful for another trolls 500th tank! Hallelujah! Your song and dance is more boring than shooting bots. By all means, entertain yourself it’s a game. Spare us your delusional savior complex rants though. 💩🤡
- Posted by Rectals-open Gym
Juno ,
Yea I was sweating wondering if my 10k lead in a 5 man would hold up, with one guy 9 mins thanks for the fk. Or atleast I assume it was a fk. There was a fuel 4 tiles south of you in that pond that you floated by to grab an eq. You couldn't have scanned the eq without scanning the fuel even if using regular radar. Oh and you topped off my shields as well... Maybe one day the admin will take the blindfold off.
- Posted by artisan