Posts for October 8, 2015


#11470 reply report

xJedi , sit down , be quite , and get better because the skills you have arent worth a pennie and i have seen you play , nothing special why are you calling people out when you suck huh ? huh ?

- Posted by majorPAIN

#11473 reply report

just a bit i'd say lol!!!

- Posted by SimplyElite

#11474 reply report

Thanks for the shout out man. I died twice with shields so i could have gone longer. My own fault though. I got in to a rhythm and got complacent. Nice taking a raid from yall though. You took a pretty good one yourself. Honor as well.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11475 reply report

Kang i dont know who you actually are because you are too good for that to be your first tank but i you won an ally with the beast take.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11476 reply report

grow up? you want me to be 70 like you? Sorry it'll take 45 years to get there.

- Posted by Tank-Killa

#11477 reply report

carthage quit low

- Posted by Barricade

#11480 reply report

Congrats on your shiner, & thanks for the shout out victory. Sorry i couldn't make it. Your right behind me in points.

- Posted by Badboyz

#11481 reply report

I'm so happy! I finally get to be part of something bigger. Of course I will join you victory & itsCake.
& i guess you can have your sword back....

- Posted by itsVictory

#11482 reply report

Hey Tank-killa, i'll explain what it is and certain areas in the game where it's useful.
Having Autoscroll ON makes it so that if you move to the edge of your screen your vision re-centers. Once your vision re-centers you get another turn. This means you can either instantly radar and have fuels/equipment available that the people raiding you don't have access to(hopefully), or get your map up faster without eating a ton of duals. Usually you use that tactic when you're low and hit a fake fuel

- Posted by ThE HuMaN JoYsTiCk

#11483 reply report

Autoscroll being OFF allows you to "Lock" on to that screen. I use this in tournaments when I'm trying to snipe around the groups of people fighting. It's also used if you need to move to a fuel/equipment, but having your vision re-centered wouldn't be ideal. Such as in a tournament when you're trying to PPH, or if you're grabbing equipment and one is on the very edge of the screen.

- Posted by ThE HuMaN JoYsTiCk

#11484 reply report

Last one~
During raids it's very good to scope to one of the corners and then radar when you land. This gives you a much higher chance at finding fuels that the enemy isn't aware of. Also you get your turn faster since the game won't prioritize the off screen player's turn over your own. I'm sure you've seen plenty of people just get turned on in the middle of a group and get murdered because they lose their turns. Hope this stuff helps. I played BF for way too long lol

- Posted by ThE HuMaN JoYsTiCk

#11485 reply report

I never knew I..I...I never knew I..I...listen up kids, there's a war raging on. Reds are weak, orange is scarce, purple poos in their underwear, but o know this just in Blues going at it again. Run the field plant the mines, cover the fuel they are all still blind. You can run but you can't hide, there isn't a better time to walk the line. Couple rounds you might be safe, after that it's a piece of cake. The best thing that you can do is to come on over and join TRUE BLUE!!

- Posted by Snow

#11486 reply report

ReKt...straight up...

- Posted by -xWife

#11487 reply report

Hmmmm, I really felt like a noob yesterday..! I went down in like 2 seconds on both raids the blue got on me.. First one I activated my shields too late (Actually, apparently I didn't activate them at all..! Missed my keypress!) And the second time, I de-activated them too quickly after a port.. Whoops!

- Posted by SilentStrike

#11489 reply report

Haven't played this in so many years.. I used to spend HOURS on here. Very nostalgic!

- Posted by Cupcake


#11469 reply report

xJedi , you have been playing for a couple months.. Your skill level is minimal at best . You barley last in raids and on top of that you act like a king when really your just a pawn.

- Posted by - - SwamP DonkeY - -

#11478 reply report

Whats wrong with you. Why do you always talk smack and quit low. It was 3vs1 today and you quit out and ran. Just because you say brb doesnt mean we will stop. We choose when to stop the raid.
pshh noobsssssssssssssssssss

- Posted by RHINOX SUX

#11479 reply report

read my name, enough said.
btw rhinox i posted this in the newbies section just for you



#11488 reply report

Nice teamwork indeed reds! Yesterday I mean! I totally agree with Grundle! Felt good to get some revenge, we really had something good going! Hopefully we do that again soon!

- Posted by SilentStrike