Posts for January 8, 2014


#4498 reply report

Thanks for the tip Mark. I'll keep that in mind. I would like to have a discussion about homing/no homing on the side at some point. As for being low rank. Well you got your preference, but I agree with SimplyElite there. If you're a sergeant I don't really have an interest in fighting you as general.

- Posted by MZ

#4500 reply report

Whats up... I just found this game for the first time since i was in grade school haha... Is there a reason we can only play one map? I read that it rotates but i was curious to why only one at a time.

- Posted by Nyte

#4501 reply report

Namek tiles are here to stay! Does anyone else agree?

- Posted by Battlefield-3


#4497 reply report

So I tried playing a couple tourneys as GummiBear and such bad luck so far...Had a 25 minute fill today. What's up with that!?
It's cool to see there's still so many people playing tourneys!

- Posted by DirtyLaundry

#4499 reply report

I am goober. I told you it could be done. I try to play every tournament I can because I genuinely have fun. I recommend all players to feel as though they can compete in tournaments. Seeing WEENIE BOY this tournament gave me the strength to hold onto the #1 spot way to go WEENIE for playing tournaments again. Just remember, it is all about having fun. I played maybe 15 tournaments before I got lucky and won this one. Don't give up or quit, you never know what would happen. Remember, luck and skill is almost 50/50 when it comes to tournaments!
That 2 hour tournament Sunday I died, left for 20 minutes came back, got back to captain, and was one kill away from GOLD! Be persistent and you will have a blast.
Good job to everyone, I'll see you at the next one!

- Posted by SEAGRAVE

#4502 reply report

To: New Tourney Players,
I just found this out yesterday -----> your OBJECTIVE in a Tournament is two fold: #1) DO NOT CHEAT or DIE on purpose and #2) Blast as many DUALs as you can. I got confused and actually took another players advice literally and was shoot'n singles to conserve on my duals for the final 10 mins. <---- DO NOT do that! Don't worry about kills, they'll come naturally and when they come, so will a Cup. Just BLAST DUALS, BLAST DUALS, & BLAST DUALS!
Good Luck,
P.S. And 1 more word of caution: be careful when there's a mob of folks........the target may not seem like it's you initially, but that can change in a heartbeat and your screen will be RED!

- Posted by WEENIE BOY