Posts for August 7, 2015
AgentMilitia-4--49, nice job out there last two nights. Very nicely done, indeed. Keep it up!
- Posted by HONOR
People Eater, indeed it was. By the way, I like the name and choice of color. Clever
- Posted by Enter Tank Name Here
Just started Playing again, anyone here from wayy back Playbattlefield? I used to be know as MarthSrival... anyone remember me?
- Posted by Skinripper91
Good for you for staying and fighting in a 3 vs 1.
You are a great example of the type of newer player to get better because you stay and fight, as you will learn to be more tactical the more attacks you face.
You are an example for the other newer players. Don't worry about dying in a 3 vs 1. Sigma, homer, minion, BF-5 can tell you a time when I didn't take raids, and even died in 3 vs 1. I hope this is encouraging. Keep up the fight to being better!
- Posted by noodle
Who wants to join my purple team? Purple is weak these days I'm trying to get purple active who wants to join? Looking for a leader to lead us to victory! HIT ME up on here or aim thanks
- Posted by idolize -- BLUNTZ
Dear SoMeDaY
I have laid it down on you in 4 of the last 5 tournaments we've played together
you would get pked very swiftly w/o equipment. and everyone (including ur mum) knows it !!
Long Live The Brews.
- -OxY CoTToN- -
- The Maverick of BF/TP.
- -OxY CoTToN- - doesn't worship cheaters !! sry!!
- Posted by Victory