Posts for November 7, 2013


#3811 reply report


- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#3804 reply report

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

- Posted by confucius

#3805 reply report

BreaK BaD before u go sayin stuff to all blue try come f messin with me i dont run i will take any raid dont matter dont go passing jugdement on other people there r a alot of great blue players alot so state the names of which u speak

- Posted by skiptomylou

#3806 reply report

i used to play this game back when it was on back in like 1999 and 2000... i guess theres no way you can bring back an old tank that was used from back then right? i just rediscovered this game again after all these years and i miss all my awards =((( guess i have to go win them back

- Posted by GoldFox

#3801 reply report

Hope all my battlefield buds are doing well!
- cdub

- Posted by - Dubnium -


#3802 reply report

@ Bad Break
Congratulations on your slanderous lies, no one was even pursuing me when I had finished playing . I filled and left in my own time. Your blue noob mob got owned ran out of eq .You will come to relies in time as you stay true to your color that the same blue noobs you are running with trying to raid are the same ones that are changing colors and trying to kill you when the odds are against them .There is very little chance you are going to get many kills with them , as until the blue noob mob have the benefit of some supreme leadership, a little divine intervention accompanied by someone with the abilities to crunch a few skulls and prime you up for optimum performance you will never be the omega and should properly stick to raiding botz . That’s the science of the matter Have nice day .

- Posted by SCIENCE

#3803 reply report

Yea WEENIE BOY that is something that has been in the game for awhile good to see you learning. You can also make a computer player move by hitting "out of the way" it only works if you are the same color though :)

- Posted by -xSiMpLiCiTyX-

#3809 reply report

@ Sponge Bob
The blues will never share our program enhancements. You weren't supposed to know these things...

- Posted by Skullcruncher

#3807 reply report

Nice quit-low Johnny Dangerously. As a general, this low like couldn't even handle a luit, and a major shooting him. Talk about the scum of the earth.

- Posted by Frost