Posts for September 6, 2019
You can say all you want that I did expose myself, buuuut I NEVER confirmed I am 4th Armored Division, and by saying I am when I didnt goes to show that you are HANDS DOWN the worst player in this game. Please point out though where I said I was who you claim I am. I'll wait...
- Posted by Ashrak2002
I am curious though as to how much more longer you fools can keep coming at me. I mean dámn, you guys have been at this for a few years now hoping that I will just up and leave yet Im still here and some of you have just givin up. Maybe you should to. Im not going anywhere
- Posted by Ashrak2002
bluntz. you got issues man. how is screwing up and not hitting fuel on a teleport and getting killed by the FOURTH homing shot a free kill? Full EQ. Idiot. you SEEN nada! 'Don't Cry'
- Posted by TRUMP 2020