Posts for April 6, 2014


#5132 reply report

Man, Parker’s girl is more dangerous than her three boys.

- Posted by Batman

#5133 reply report

Her legs sort of reminded me of Catwoman’s.

- Posted by Robin

#5134 reply report

You’re growing up, Robin. Remember, in crime-fighting always keep your sights raised.

- Posted by Batman

#5135 reply report

Oranges- game froze up and I couldn't click anything. Rather disappointing

- Posted by ToRNaDo

#5136 reply report

*****MESSAGE TO GeneralSick*****
you are sick. i have the antidote. lay down your arms, dismantle your tank, join "true blue" forces and i will provide the remedy.

- Posted by Blue Headquarters

#5137 reply report

To all players who play blue: When we have an enemy tank out numbered and we tele and they are low fuel, you guys have got to start planting mines. Even if they run over one and then radar, thats extra dual shots that will take shields off or get us a kill...stay together and stop leaving me to fight 3 and 4 on 1....Schotty or Sckotty whatever your name is, yes your on my team but I witnessed you quit low on some other players...cut that out, you can rank back up....

- Posted by WaRhEaD