Posts for March 6, 2017


#14131 reply report

From The Desk of WEENIE Inc:
For the last FINAL request ever: please, PLEASE, P-L-E-A-S-E, allow 'me' to play a neutral (pink, black, silver, green, etc...) color tank in tournaments?!?!?!?!
Thank You
**LB: do away with colors in tourneys & move to avatars or emoticons (randomly assigned). You can pre-load 50 or 100 different avatars so nobody will be the same. I don't want a LB, award it to someone who formally submits this OUTSTANDING idea.

- Posted by WEENIE Inc

#14133 reply report

GB Packers,
Yes, I do like going back and forth with you on this. No, Im not the stalker loser, but you clearly are. You are the one that started this by first trolling me. Now Im doing the same thing to you. I will keep going until you quit. As for refreshing the message boards all night, na, I know about what time new messages are posted. Nice Try!

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#14134 reply report

I also really like your black kitty and your tiger kitty. What are their names? and do they play better then us?

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#14139 reply report

when I attack someone and he tells me no problem or my bad, what does that mean? he dont shoot back. im guessing its some kind of signal that he dont want none.

- Posted by bud braboski


#14135 reply report

Well, you arent me and I will never apologize to gb fudge packers for anything. Your warning means nothing. Wait, Im talking to gb fudge packers right now. Nice try pansy. Wow, you have to harass me under another one of your tank names? You have no life. Lol

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#14136 reply report

Fat tyler got rekt,
Lol looking like GB Fudge Packers.

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#14137 reply report

GB Packers,
You have no turf. Whats the matter? You dont comprehend? Im not single and I dont have any cats. Not single. No cats. That shows what you know, nothing. I can go on and on. Bring it

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#14140 reply report

Do I detect a bit of down syndrome in your face Tyler?
Creepy cat guy

- Posted by Fat tyler got rekt


#14132 reply report

slug and beastgod meet me in the tournment, I need backup. Also, I my tank is blue I clicked blue but when my tank spawns its a diff color?

- Posted by bud braboski

#14138 reply report

***** muah *****