Posts for March 6, 2016
WEENIE Inc will be temporarily suspending all sales til next quarter. Inside information reveals Optimus Prime has NOT been awarded a Purple Heart for his efforts & Parsec Parsley WILL NOT be awarded the coveted War Correspondent medal for his OUTSTANDING journalism on this very bulletin board. We are seeking an injunction to have both individuals awarded appropriately. Stay tuned...
- Posted by WEENIE BOY
Really? Hmmm... Cause you were pphing with me. Then 2 oranges joined me and you started running. Then you said lame 3 times and left. Nice recollection of events though man. Good job.
- Posted by Cracki3
Tank Apprentice
Episode 3: First Elimination
After a vigorous day of learning how to use ferries in Appaloosa Land, lunar lavender told his challengers to board ferries in Lake Erie and race to Cuba. Only the top 14 finishers would move on.
The blue tanks showed efficiency, forming dams in the rivers to push their teammates ahead. Once it opened up, though, the SPI tanks (full of something...) raced away, taking the top 4 spots.
genjamesle and gunshot were eliminated.
- Posted by parsec parsley
Too much Carl in one Desert
It is unclear this evening exactly why we were forced to bring you this report. What is clear, however, is that SMCo. employee Carl Carlson has officially filed a name change request to Jebediah Springfield.
Initial indications are that he may have been overwhelmed with the responsibility of being Carl's son, Carl.
"What's in a name? That which a tank
By any other name would smell as sour." -William Shakespeare
- Posted by parsec parsley