Posts for February 6, 2016


#12539 reply report

I assumed that supernova sage was you since he said nighteyes. Either way i never talked mess to either you or sage. I just corrected a misconception that was stated. I think oxy just has a hard on for me for some reason.

- Posted by Cracki3

#12541 reply report

Private Detective,
You are doing God's work sir. You're no hacker in my book.
The Police

- Posted by TP Police

#12543 reply report

TBH I haven't seen someone get pwned so hard in a long time. XxBloodXx or whatever - wow man. LOL. ouch....
I also heard that cup and heroic were fake. They have to be from what I just saw. Yikes..

- Posted by solar salt

#12544 reply report

I have about 50 printed shirts and no WC.
Wanted to put together a contest (PH) and a form of marketing scheme and even an online shop. Where I WOULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF EVERYTHING. :(
I'm not playing anymore lol.

- Posted by Abraham Simpson II


#12538 reply report

Just wondering if you'd like to join my team. Do you have AIM?
I'm Victory -> celestial cilantro
we're the Space Spices.
I need good players like yourself who are active and take raids well.
You completely contradict yourself. That was the message you sent me. Just didnt wanna put you on blast.

- Posted by Cracki3

#12540 reply report

color flipping noob
buzz off

- Posted by Stan Marsh