Posts for December 6, 2014
wow I can't believe you two. I understand the ping and the routing that goes on behind it. All I was saying is that with x5 faster map and animations that come with it that make you faster regardless of ping speed, you guys are brainless my god. If either of you had been any good on x5 you would know what I am saying.. Just drop it or throw another insult back IDC. Nothing else to talk about.
- Posted by getchya
Yeah, I couldn't believe it when I realized it was the guy that killed me. I had no idea you were going to die I just saw a few people shooting you and the guy I was shooting left screen so I turned my attention to you--ended up being the golden ticket. :P Sorry man - you were doing super well too. Maybe you'll take one home on one of this weekends tournies! Good luck.
- Posted by lol
flappy bird.. I was excited.. I didn't just "quit low".. I quit low on YOU. That's the point. You're not a very good player, and don't really deserve a decent kill at all.
- Posted by Sheriff1
Is it just me our did I win this cup by being dur dur dur!
- Posted by Being Dur Dur Dur