Posts for January 6, 2014


#4483 reply report

Until my transformers come back, Skullcruncher will remain inactive collecting rust. Good day tankpitters

- Posted by Skullcruncher

#4484 reply report

It's been a while. Seems like the thing to do now is a race to the bottom rank. Nobody except for me wants to kill and be general anymore. People are too cheap to even use homing. I actually didn't feel like dying but you all got me good.

- Posted by MZ

#4486 reply report

very nice raid red. Was a blast. Nice kill Mark

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4487 reply report

Yep, many of the Elements still play. Cool to see you around. You should def play a tourney or two.

- Posted by - Mercury -

#4488 reply report

Resistance is Futile

- Posted by We Are The Borg

#4489 reply report

@ Warm Beer
Good Job on that sword! Keep it up man. o7

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#4491 reply report

Warm Beer
LOL all blues do that buddy besides the few good ones but that's what most of them do. Reason I don't bother taking their raids they don't even 1v1 me without jumping from one side of map to other. Rev will run but won't q out most times either which is a good thing.

- Posted by mark


#4485 reply report

Revolutionary War
So terrible-won't let anyone shoot you for one shot, lol!

- Posted by Judge Constance Harm