Posts for July 5, 2024


#24141 reply report

I tried posting before but my posts don't go through. I love this game. Used to play all the time growing up. If only the maps were filled like before...

- Posted by Redbeard0311

#24142 reply report

Nick Gurr,
You don't need someone to battle, you need someone to proof read.

- Posted by CoL Oni


#24143 reply report

What a joke, seems everyones a chicken
Y'all can get choked, i'll keep on dissin'
Cause I don't give a cluck! Me stop? there's no frickin'
way I'm not gonna grab the mic with a double barrel grip and
Like my c*ck tease myself and only put the tip in
And still you p*ssy emees will get ripped and
opened up like fire wood when the axe is splittin'
Haha that's why I call it woody
Cause the only time y'all are fire is when you hop on it like a flame
Yea y'all f*gs is lame
Step to the game

- Posted by Nick Gurr