Posts for February 5, 2016


#12528 reply report

Stan Marsh,
sorry I did not realize that tankpit revolves around you.
how pompous can you be? #narcissismcomplex

- Posted by draco maledicte

#12529 reply report

I think you're confusing me with someone else. I'm pretty sure I never said anything negative about the Simpsons. Peace

- Posted by Nighteyes

#12530 reply report

I play on a tablet now lol I cannot accurately tele or move/fire but it makes it more fun.

- Posted by KAYNE

#12531 reply report

Nice try reds! Sorry I had to go.....I didn't wanna just give it to you folks. We'll tear it up another time. In the mean time, keep building your bases.....ahahahaha!

- Posted by Lenny Leonard

#12535 reply report

Other Post--Continued
Er-c C--tman
---icer Barb---
-iles Standis-
Stan Marsh
Randy Marsh

- Posted by Private Detective

#12536 reply report

*********IMPORTANT NOTICE*********
Attention all tanks, I was commissioned to conduct an investigation into the accusations against "Badboyz." My report concludes that although he is a serial leech, he is innocent. His accusers are well known equipment diggers, please be cautious of coy recruit tanks requesting assistance as it may be a ploy to get your equipment.
The following is a list of players who have been bamboozled by this plot (redacted to protect identity)...see other post

- Posted by Private Detective


#12537 reply report

To all players it may concern.....
Players who use the same tank, but multiple colors. To players who literally only play the color that has number advantages, you seriously need to grow some balls and stop screwing over your color partners just to prevent yourself from dying. Its pathetic, I do not want players that represent this on my colored team. Stop being LAME. This seems to be a growing interest for trolls.
Stay classy my friends.

- Posted by Blinky


#12527 reply report

Cracki3 lol
Our convo was like, "hey I want to join?"
u - "yeah what name?"
and then I never responded
Seems like you got trolled and are still salty ;)
And I'm not acting, i'm hard right now. lmk

- Posted by celestial cilantro


#12532 reply report

you're a towel picture me cuping

- Posted by sickbeat