Posts for December 5, 2013


#4236 reply report

CONGRATS HONOR!!! You are a worthy adversary. You're persistence paid dividends. I normally get away with that kinda play, but thanks for putting me back in my place (I won't take you fellas for granted in the future).

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#4222 reply report

Thank you for answering my question much appericated.

- Posted by Goldeneyez

#4224 reply report

@thirdeye, bro if i so call cheat to rank up i'll be luit in a week or even a day from being raided 20 times a day and not qlowing why you so worried about people deactivating each other to rank up, eat my duals and insta Q kid so go get a bronze tank award and try not to pay attnt what us big kids are doing.

- Posted by XxBLOODxX

#4228 reply report

bunch of middle school girls playin this game its ridiculous

- Posted by Sponge Bob

#4235 reply report

where all my homies @>?

- Posted by KAYNE

#4225 reply report

To everyone who chats rubbish about me, Heres the facts. I play when i can, i have an 18month old girl running around so my play may be weird at times. Entering and leaving quite alot. I never intentionally q low and would rather die than leave but my baby comes first am afraid. As for my cup i won it fair and square and have no contact with any other player. Say what you like, but remember that all that free killing killed off the original bf as people got board off all the cheating. I happens to much to name everybody so i wont. You no who you are and it is not fair for new player (not myself) who are trying to find there way for there chance to be cheated out of them. Play your own way on the field there are ready made comments to click when you feel the need.

- Posted by Jonnie

#4230 reply report

I am Johnny Dangerously.

- Posted by Angry Irishman

#4232 reply report

Following yesterdays message from me.
Newer players, Do NOT take freekills. Play with honor and get your star awards the right way, even if it means waiting 100+ hours to finally reach the rank of general. There should never be a rush to get your stars and you will be respected more if you don't take short cuts. Also do not be afraid to die before you get your stars, there is no shame in getting deactivated and you'll get better at the game by fighting back at all times no matter the numbers.

- Posted by Krusty The Clown

#4233 reply report

I want rusty but I'm only half way there :(

- Posted by Super Saiyan Vegito


#4229 reply report

truth ur garbo dude dont talk to me non factor

- Posted by Sponge Bob

#4231 reply report

mark your garbage....dont think iv ever seen you get a real kill...only thing iv seen was free kills in the corner but its all good i guess we all need help huh, by the looks of ur tank name your mad when i left the tourny with 3 min left? can i cry like the rest and blame my connection or all the top people already used up that excuse?

- Posted by cantgetarealkillnoob