Posts for November 5, 2023


#23450 reply report

Wow oh my gosh. I can't believe they remade this game and it's still up and running in 2023. Look for me in the next 30 tournaments because obviously I'm brand new and "returning" and will take quite awhile to knock the rust off. You'll know it's me because I'll marathon until I'm ready to die.

- Posted by Bin Sobbin


#23447 reply report

Flawless Victory , if it didn't bother you than why do you persist? angry

- Posted by - Sun Spots -

#23448 reply report

X ,
I'm not crusher, but he was a good friend back in the day. I've been wanting people to rank from the beginning. There's a few that have been known to serg trick every tournament they play in. I can count on one hand the number i've serg tricked. This just so happened to be one of them due to the low turnout and not wanting to give up the weak advantage.

- Posted by asphyxi8

#23449 reply report

I still think sergeant should auto rank to lieu in tournaments. It would squash the nonsense. I've sent that idea up... hopefully others agree. It would be cool to see a poll put up on this topic.

- Posted by asphyxi8