Posts for November 5, 2015


#11785 reply report

I call upon you to come out of the shadows an to the game and claim the last color that is missing off the field of play there are now 3 ! We need the great players of Purple to stand up an FIGHT the MOBs of TankPit thus completing the the color wars !
The hated Frinzee calls upon thee purples also to BLAST ME, three colors are not enough to bring Me down they need you ! STAND AN FIGHT AGAIN !!

- Posted by Frinzee

#11786 reply report

No problem bro, if you need any support your orange juice simpson got your back!

- Posted by Johnny Tightlips

#11787 reply report

U WOT M8, no problem bro. Once you're out of equipment stop fighting and go fill up. The main ones you want to keep up are your shields and radars if you want to avoid deaths. You'll get the hand of it dude, you seemed like a decent enough player when we was attacking you. :)

- Posted by Barricade

#11789 reply report

What decides the rankings? In the case of several tanks having the same rank (say general) what decides who gets the best ranking? Awards? Time played? Promotion points?

- Posted by FourEyes

#11790 reply report

Welcome to Tankpit. Yeah I hated the having the quit key so close to the 1 key, so I changed it to the Esc key. Actually I customized the whole keyboard. You can customize the keyboard by going to the play screen, clicking on the little wrench (for settings) in the lower left-hand corner, then click on 'hot keys'. I also wish there was a better way of communicating within the game. Most people communicate with instant messenger programs.

- Posted by Sir Gareth

#11791 reply report

I think they like to try and discourage effective communication so they can't organize raids, but they can't stop it, they just use instant messengers, and it happens anyway.

- Posted by Sir Gareth

#11792 reply report

A tip for taking a big raid is to shut off your double shots and all of your missiles, and just use single shots, that way all you have to worry about is getting fuel, and filling radars when you use them. Start with your shields off and toggle them on when you need them. The secret is staying on fuel so you don't need to toggle the shields, then all you have to do is find equipment to replenish your radars. That's about it.

- Posted by Sir Gareth


#11788 reply report

It's a shame when someone as horrible as Frinzee wins a cup. The 2 Death rule needs to be removed. It's allowing way too much emphasis on kills and not enough on skill.

- Posted by Victory