Posts for November 5, 2013


#3787 reply report

Oh well, you didn't show up........onto my 3rd star it is.

- Posted by TROUBLE

#3776 reply report

Do not worry..I am glad you got the kill for a award. Next time will not be so easy. o7

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#3777 reply report

Hi sorry if I seem noobish. First time playing this game for real. I'm guessing raids are when you all go for 1 person? Yeah sorry if I am nooby when I am being raided.

- Posted by Sm0g

#3778 reply report

GeneralSick ~~~ U Da MaN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#3779 reply report

Oh man I sucked today! Good Job blue on the 4 and 5 man raids ... I am trash when it comes to 1 vs 4. I tired but I need a lot more practice at it

- Posted by Tangspank

#3780 reply report

To the Blues,
Look im no pro at this game but I have played long enough to know that its a lot more beneficial to take raids. Don't just teleport away constantly after being hit with 1-2 shots. I know everybody wants their stars and general rank but losing cred with the population is a lot worse than being demoted, believe me. So next time we are being raided try to fight back, try to put 3-4 shots at least on an enemy before moving for fuel or teleing. Build your cred up and your teammates and enemies will respect you a lot more and the game will be easier for you.

- Posted by BreaK BaD

#3782 reply report

Great raid tonight reds, sucks that I died to a player who repetitively quits low. Wish it went to a more respectable player.

- Posted by goober

#3784 reply report

Also, Jay, when you continually hide on tanks and specifically mess with me in game, I:E battlefield-0, (oh yeah remember when you got ousted by me? and denied it nonstop?) Long moving the raids, premining etc? Like heck am i going to give you a chance to call coords on me, especially when ive seen you do nothing but dodge on flubber, Duffman, Freefall, Battlefield-0, even Krusty when you sat your tank for 150 hours. Its a shame you have so many innocent newbies wrapped around your finger, when you're the greatest plague to this game. Pathological liar, cheater, and have nothing better to do than hide in game under multiple names for 12+ hours a day.

- Posted by weekend nachos


#3781 reply report

Looking forward to ranking up with my fellow purples! Where my dogs at?

- Posted by Xrakeo

#3788 reply report

Good Job reds

- Posted by GeneralSick