Posts for January 5, 2018


#15647 reply report

I played battlefield a lot in pass, and I had gotten Colonel or General. I was okay - because other people always could acheive general.
Tankpit: I noticed some tanks moved faster than others, and some may be cheaters. So I decided to watch video of a tournament winner.
Gameplay: Huge difference in style: how and when the tank got fuel, used keyboard keys instead of clicking, toggling equipment/armorshield. I feel I learned way more by watching vs 100s of hrs of playing.

- Posted by Chicken


#15645 reply report

What's the discord server link for this game?

- Posted by The Red Baron

#15648 reply report

Some people will advise you to go get experience by playing and don't worry about quitting during raid etc. Instead of that strategy just watch a video or two of gameplay - you will get more confident on taking on more tanks at a time. And ur gameplay will improve.

- Posted by Chicken


#15646 reply report

WoW (Wars of Weather) Sweep! Read 'em and weep. 😭

- Posted by blizzard barrage